Monday, October 19, 2009

Facts About Black Hair Care & Growth

The first fact about black hair care and hair growth is that no two African-Americans have the same type of hair. However, most African-Americans' hair grows about one quarter of an inch a month. Generally black hair tends to break primarily due to chemical hair relaxing and a lack of adequate conditioning.

Black hair is usually dry when compared to the hair of other ethnic groups. Dryness can cause breakage. Conditioning black hair with the correct balance of moisture and protein will prevent excessive breakage.

Hair Moisturizers

Black hair is generally thick and despite the fact that the scalp produces sebum it is not enough to relieve the dryness to the point that breakage is prevented. Effective hair moisturizers contribute to growth and diminish breakage..

Using aloe vera on natural black hair and styling without chemical relaxing, African-American people can grow their hair as long as those of other ethnic groups. Conditioning with a moisturizer weekly and avoiding chemical relaxing is the best way to realize optimum hair growth.

Conditioning With Heat

Conditioning black hair for optimum growth will be greatly enhanced with the aid of a heat cap. Black hair should be shampooed with a moisturizing shampoo once a week. A moisturizing conditioner should be combed through with a wide tooth-comb and left in for no less than 20 minutes.

Ideally, an electric heating cap should be placed on the hair for up to 30 minutes. This will allow the conditioner to penetrate the hair rather than just coat it. If an electric heating cap is not available, a plastic shower cap is a good substitute.

Leave-in Conditioners

A leave-in conditioner should follow a deep conditioning treatment and will contribute to hair growth. The leave-in conditioner should have a combination of moisture and protein to make hair stronger.

In general, black hair should be shampooed then deep conditioned with a heat cap or plastic shower cap and a leave-in conditioner about once a week.

For straight styling either with chemical relaxing or a flat iron, black hair should be treated with a lightweight oil to help prevent excessive damage and breakage.

Chemical Relaxing

Chemical relaxing is harsh and if black hair is not in the best condition when the chemical treatment is being done breakage in likely. Chemical relaxing should only be done after the hair is properly moisturized and conditioned with a protein treatment.

The balance between moisture and protein will help to prevent breakage. Healthy hair that has been properly conditioned will break less and look longer. The growth of black hair is contingent upon faithful weekly conditioning treatments.

Improve Circulation

Black hair will grow faster and break less by improving the scalp circulation with 100 brush strokes every day. Using a natural bristle brush and starting at the scalp, brush hair gently a small section at a time while counting to 100.

You are what you eat and that also includes hair and skin. If you drink enough water and have a high-protein diet, your hair will grow longer and stronger.

Tags: black hair, black hair, conditioner should, hair growth, hair should, leave-in conditioner, moisture protein

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