Thursday, May 30, 2013

Put A Hair Relaxer In African American Hair


A hair relaxer is a treatment that is commonly used on African American hair to change its texture. Chemicals in the relaxer permanently straighten out tight curls. There are several African American hair products available that allow a person to save money by doing their own relaxers rather than paying a professional to do it for them in a salon. This can be a very effective way to have a good hair style if it' done the right way.


1. Get your scalp ready for the hair relaxer treatment. Do not scratch or rub your scalp for at least five days before the day you plan on using the relaxer. Scratching can cause your scalp to become sore or irritated, which can make your scalp more susceptible to burns from the chemicals contained within the relaxer. Also, make sure that you don't have any broken skin or bruises on your scalp, before using the relaxer. Before applying the relaxer, put an oil protectant on your scalp. Some relaxer kits provide the oil protectant. If your kit does not have it, use a separate oil sheen. This will reduce the likelihood for scalp burns.

2. Put gloves on your hands before handling the relaxer. This will protect your hands from the chemicals in the relaxer. Many relaxers come with plastic gloves but these gloves are often made from a very thin plastic that tears easily. You can buy latex gloves separately to use with the relaxer, if you want more durability.

3. Mix the ingredients together. Most African American hair products offer relaxers that come with a relaxer creme in one container and an activator in a separate container. Combine the two together as recommended in the directions. Thoroughly mix the two together.

4. Part your hair into four sections. Make your first part starting at your hair line half way between your eyes. This part should extend all the way down the back of your head to your kitchen. Make another part that starts from one ear and goes past the crown of your head to the tip of your other ear. Your hair will then be divided into four sections.

5. Apply the relaxer to your hair. Start with the hair at the crown of your head. This is where the hair tends to be the most resistant to the straightening effects of the relaxer. Work your way to your neck line and then do the sides and front. Put generous amounts of the relaxer on your roots. If your hair is being relaxed for the first time, put the relaxer on the entire strand. If you are just giving yourself a re-touch, only put the hair relaxer on the new growth. Be very gentle since new African American hair growth is susceptible to breakage.

6. Keep track of the time. Do not leave the hair relaxer longer than the amount of time than is recommended in the directions. This is important because it helps prevent, burns to your scalp and damage to your hair. The time that it takes to apply the relaxer to your hair should be included in the total amount of time that you leave the relaxer on.

7. Rinse the relaxer out of your hair. Be sure to get all of the relaxer out. Get as much of it out as you can by using water only. Then thoroughly shampoo your hair two or three times. Some African American hair products have an ingredient in the shampoo that causes it to change colors to alert you that some relaxer remains in your hair. Continue to shampoo until the suds are white. Rinse out the shampoo and generously apply a conditioner to your hair.

Tags: your hair, your scalp, African American, American hair, relaxer your

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