Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Maintain A Wave Perm

A wave perm gives more body and style to the hair.

A wave perm can add volume and curls to your hair, letting it fall in rich waves. It is, however, a chemical process, one that's in two parts. First, the hair is wrapped into shape and then it's subjected to a chemical bath that softens the inner structure of the hair. This means the hair needs careful maintenance to keep the wavy look, although a wave perm will only last about three months.


1. Wait before first washing your hair after a perm; give it at least a full day, and the stylist might even suggest waiting two days before washing it. Wet the hair during this time if necessary but be careful not to wash it fully.

2. Choose a shampoo that is formulated for chemically treated hair. Look for a shampoo that contains protein, otherwise the shampoo might prove to be too harsh for the hair. Shampoo the hair, rinse clean, and then shampoo and rinse once more; this allows the nutrients to work into the hair properly and keep the cuticle layer flat, which stops the hair from frizzing, which can often occur after a perm.

3. Condition the hair directly after shampooing. Use a light conditioner that's formulated for chemically treated hair. Squeeze out just a small amount (a circle of conditioner no larger than a quarter) and work it gently into the hair before rinsing off.

4. Blot the hair with the towel to dry it or just rub gently; avoid pushing down too hard on the hair and the scalp becaause rubbing too vigorously can lead to frizzy hair and broken ends. Spray on detangler if you wish, although it most cases it shouldn't be necessary because the conditioner also helps detangle the hair. Pull a wide-tooth comb through the hair gently to complete the detangling; use the fingers as an alternative.

5. Apply spray-on conditioner to the hair if using a hair dryer, and always fit a diffuser to the end of the dryer to prevent drying the hair out too much and causing frizz. Don't fully dry the hair. Dry the hair naturally if possible, rather than using a hair dryer, as this will help preserve the wave perm. Gel or glaze the hair if desired, or use a scrunch spray, selecting a product that's alcohol-free to help keep the shape of the perm.

6. Book a hair appointment for a month after the perm and have the stylist trim the hair; this help keeps the shape of the wave and will maintain the perm longer because the curls will remain springy to the touch.

Tags: after perm, chemically treated, chemically treated hair, formulated chemically, formulated chemically treated, hair dryer

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