Sunday, May 26, 2013

Pageant Hairstyles For Little Girls

Pageant Hairstyles For Little Girls Biography
One of the most popular questions asked in a child pageant is what they want to be when they grow up. If your child is on the older side (10 - 18), this question should be answered seriously with a reason as to why. For example, "When I grow up, I want to be a doctor because I am good at science and I like to help people." If your child is younger than 10, a less serious answer is appropriate and will sound more genuine. Therefore, if your child wants to be a ballerina, that is perfectly fine, just make sure she can answer why, no matter how far-fetched the rationale may be.
Other popular questions revolve around friends. Commonly, the judge will ask who the child's best friend is or what the child's favorite activity is with friends. To prepare, make sure your child only answers with their friend's first name (not the last, for privacy reasons) and can speak clearly to one thing they do together. For example: "My best friend's name is Sus. We like to play dolls because we get to pretend we are mommies." If your child is older, make sure you prepare with appropriate answers that sound realistic, yet cannot be misconstrued as misbehaving or inappropriate in any way. For example: "My friends and I like to shop. We find it relaxing and a good way to reward ourselves for studying!"

Food is another popular topic on the child beauty pageant scene. To prepare, ask your child her favorite foods. Some examples include their favorite food overall, favorite dessert, favorite restaurant and favorite after-school snack. By asking your child the food question in a variety of ways, it will be easier for your child to think on-the-spot when asked during the interview portion of the pageant.

About Pageants
One of the most difficult questions that can be asked during the interview portion has to do with the pageant itself. If asked, this question can take a very direct form: "What is your favorite part about doing pageants?" Prep your child by asking her to answer the question honestly, but leaving the money or prize part out of it. Hopefully, your child enjoys the challenge and social aspect of doing pageants, not just the money or prize part. This answer, when practiced, should focus on the internal joy the pageant process brings to your child. For example: "I like doing pageants because I meet so many new friends. We actually hang out after pageants and talk on the phone regularly."
Pageant Hairstyles For Little GirlS

Pageant Hairstyles For Little Girls
Pageant Hairstyles For Little Girls
Pageant Hairstyles For Little Girls
Pageant Hairstyles For Little Girls
Pageant Hairstyles For Little Girls
Pageant Hairstyles For Little Girls
Pageant Hairstyles For Little Girls
Pageant Hairstyles For Little Girls
Pageant Hairstyles For Little Girls
Pageant Hairstyles For Little Girls

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