Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Care For Relaxed Hair In College

Relaxed hair requires special attention between chemical treatments.

Chemically relaxed hair can require an ongoing commitment to moisturizing and maintenance. Relaxing alters hair texture by penetrating the hair shaft with strong chemicals, which can leave hair dry and brittle. When combined with coloring or regular heat processing, relaxed hair can be particularly prone to breaking. Caring for relaxed hair can be a challenge for students, due to the time and budget restraints associated with the college lifestyle. Developing a care routine and maintaining a healthful lifestyle can benefit relaxed hair.


1. Nurture the scalp as well as the hair. Scalp health is a critical component of hair growth and well being. Treat the scalp to a twice-weekly fingertip massage with a light hair oil to maintain healthy levels of moisture.

2. Trim the hair every 6 to 8 weeks. Removing damaged ends can leave the hair looking refreshed and healthy. Check with local beauty schools about obtaining lower-cost hair cuts to help a limited budget stretch further.

3. Deep condition the hair at least once a week. Consistent efforts to maintain hair moisture will alleviate the brittle hair sometimes associated with chemical relaxing. Living in a very dry climate or frequent exposure to chlorine will necessitate more frequent conditioning treatments.

4. Develop hair styles for daily wear that don't require using a blow dryer or straightening iron. Consistently using heat to process hair can be very damaging. Avoid using blow dryers and straightening irons as much as possible

Tags: associated with, leave hair, relaxed hair, relaxed hair, using blow

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