Monday, April 23, 2012

Neutralize Your Lawn From Dog Urine Damage

If you have one or more dogs and a nice lawn, then you have more than likely experienced unsightly yellow spots of dead grass caused by dog urine. These problems are especially common in homes that have large female dogs, as they squat to "pee" on your well-kept lawn.

You can however, minimize or eventually even get rid of this problem by following few simple care instructions for the pet and the lawn.



1. Water the yard daily to help dilute the urine deposits. This treatment could actually rinse the wastes from your lawn.

2. Try avoiding adding too much fertilizer to the lawn, as the fertilizer tends to "hold" the deposits in place, maximizing damaging effects.

3. Try planting some tougher species grass like rye or fescue that are not as susceptible to "urine burns" as, for example, bluegrass or Bermuda Grass.

4. Ensure that your lawn is not in a drought or diseased condition, or has been sodded or seeded recently. In these conditions the lawn could be more susceptible to burns.


5. Try diluting the pet's urine by increasing his water consumption. You may add water to the food, or even add a non-salted broth to the pet's drinking water. Canned food could prove useful as it comes with a lot more water.

6. Feed your pet a diet rich in protein, as it is more digestible and produces less waste substances.

7. Other oral products such as Green UM, Drs. Foster and Smiths Lawn and Pet Care products and more are available from your local market or online, and may be helpful. These products blend natural herbs and amino acids which, when ingested, react with the harmful free nitrogen in the urine and neutralize it.

Simple Internet searches for lawn guards and pet care products could lead you to other websites where you can buy these dietary supplements for your dog and also solutions for your lawn care.

8. Make doubly sure your dog is not allergic to any of these dietary supplements before starting to use them.

Tags: your lawn, dietary supplements, from your, have more, these dietary, these dietary supplements

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