Thursday, July 21, 2011

Eyelash Perming

Eyelash Perming

As a busy woman, you may be interested to discover that eyelash perming is a step you can take to shave minutes off of your makeup routine. If you are searching for ways to look refreshed throughout a hectic day and you wish you could make the effects last forever, you almost can. Though the timing varies for each individual, lash perms are generally noticeable for up to a month and a half. If this is a cosmetic procedure you are looking to try, for safety purposes you may want to educate yourself on both the benefits and risks involved.


You no longer have to use an eyelash curler to get uplifted lashes. With the eyelash perming procedure, you can have wider open eyes whether you have just woken up, are in the middle of an intense physical workout or are fresh out of the shower. Those who have very straight lashes may particularly be curious about having them permed. Know, however, that the advantages of eyelash perming do not include newly darker lashes nor longer ones, even though the illusion of greater lengths can certainly be a byproduct of having lashes that are pointing skyward. If you are interested in similar alternatives along the lines of semi-permanent procedures, you will have to explore the option of getting eyelash extensions for lashes with greater volume and length.


Prior to the availability of eyelash perms, makeup users turned to lash curlers and mascara to create the look of upturned lashes. As compared to these methods, eyelash perming is relatively new since it only began to gain popularity in the early 21st century.

The first eyelash curler showed up around the 1920s through 1930s; it was invented by the Kurlash company and was apparently more complicated to operate than the modern-day variety. Over time, lash curlers have evolved to include a heated version, which locks the curl in the same way hair gets curled with the use of a curling iron. The application of mascara onto curled lashes enhances their appearance by darkening each lash, as well as adding a touch more length, depending on the formula. As the process can eat away more minutes than a frenzied schedule can comfortably allow, the not-so-dexterous may opt for an eyelash perm, instead.


Eyelash perms typically last up to a month and a half although they have been claimed to last for as long as three months. As the permed lashes fall out and are replaced by straighter ones, the uplifted effect of an eyelash perm disappears. Those with small or droopy eyes in particular may be the most notable fans of eyelash perming, as it helps give the eyes a larger, brighter appearance.

The actual process involves lying down and closing your eyes as an aesthetician wraps your lashes around a thin roller. Gauze is positioned on the under-eye area as a protective measure. A perming solution is then applied to your lashes and allowed to set. Other lotions and formulas may be brushed onto the lashes for neutralizing and conditioning purposes, leading the process to last anywhere between a half-hour to an hour.


If you find that you are allergic to any ingredients in the solution used for eyelash perming or you simply do not want any potentially harmful chemicals near your eyes, stick with mascara and an eyelash curler. The possibility of weakening your lashes by exposing them to toxic perming solutions is a very real one, which leads to lash breakage and a quicker rate of falling out.

On another note, it is a fact that women aren't the only clients of the procedure. A male who is fastidious about his looks and thinking about benefiting from eyelash perming is more than welcome, as well as at salons that offer the service.


Do not attempt to perm eyelashes, whether your own or someone else's, if you are not a professional. There are do-it-yourself eyelash perming kits being sold for home use, but realize that you are putting the health of your eyes in danger should you try this without a certification. Side effects of the procedure have been known to include stinging around the eyes. Even if this can be medicated away with the help of eye drops, the fact that you would have to do such a thing after a beauty treatment might help you rethink whether this is a risk you are willing to take.

Tags: eyelash perming, eyelash curler, your eyes, your lashes, eyelash perm

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