Wednesday, July 6, 2011

8th Grade Graduation Wording Ideas

Watching their children graduate makes parents beam.

Graduating from the eighth grade is a huge event in an adolescent's life. It signals a transition from child to teenager and opens the door for added responsibility, maturity and freedom. Parents are proud to see their children advance to the next level, and a little misty-eyed as well. Word the graduation announcement in a way that gives the happy occasion much-deserved recognition.


Many people word an announcement or invitation to an eighth-grade graduation in a formal and straightforward manner. The information presented is simple and to the point, for example, "Please join us at the eighth-grade commencement ceremony of Mary Jane Adams, at Thomas Jefferson Middle School, Saturday, June 12, 10 a.m." The information can be worded to include the parents of the graduate, for example, "Mary and Paul Kelly are proud to announce the eighth-grade graduation of their daughter, Julia Kelly." Other families word the announcement in a way that emphasizes the independence and maturity of the graduate, for example, "Please come celebrate my accomplishment at graduating from the eighth grade."


Using poetry, quotes and detailed imagery is also common in eighth-grade graduation wording. For example, "Please attend as our son graduates from eighth grade, and help us celebrate all the progress he's made." The following Eleanor Roosevelt quote could also be used to mark the occasion: "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." Also consider using simile: "As caterpillars cocoon and emerge eager butterflies, our son is ready to soar toward new heights of academia."


Some people send out eighth-grade graduation announcements to inform friends and family about the milestone, but not to invite them to witness the event. For example, "Our son, Michael Jeffrey Lawless, graduated from Polk Middle School on Saturday, July 18." Include your information on the announcement so that recipients can send well wishes and gifts to commemorate the occasion.


If you're sending an invitation to the graduation, not just an announcement, double-check all pertinent details, including the day, date and time of the graduation, before sending out the invitations. If tickets are required, enclose them with the invitation or inform guests get their tickets upon arrival. Include your contact information for guests to direct questions, RSVP or send their regrets. If you're inviting guests to a celebration after the ceremony, include the day, date, time and address of the party, as well as any instructions concerning attire, gifts, refreshments and directions.

Tags: eighth-grade graduation, announcement that, eighth grade, example Please, from eighth

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