Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Find A Great Date For Prom

Prom can be a stressful time in a teenager’s life. Not only does the perfect outfit need to be found, transportation arrangements made and money handed in every direction for expenses but you also need to make sure that when you take a date to the prom, it’s a great date that you will have a fabulous time with. Here are some helpful tips for finding a great date to the prom.


Find a Great Date for Prom

1. Don’t have one person, and one person only, that is on your list of people that you would love to go to prom with. If you’re so sure that you’re going to go to the prom with that person before you even asked them and then they say no, then you’re stuck without a date to prom and you may not be able to go yourself. Have a list of at least three people that you would consider taking to prom.

2. Ask your date early to go to the prom. When you ask early, you have your pick of all of the people that don’t already have dates, especially because a lot of people wait until the last month to find a date. Great prom dates aren’t dateless for long. Make sure you ask months in advance so that if that person can’t go or they back out for some reason, you have enough time to find another date.

3. Ask someone that you absolutely get along with on a day to day basis. Don’t ask someone that you argue with more then you get along with just because you have a huge crush on them. You’ll spend a huge part of the night talking to this person, so you want to make sure that you don’t spend most of your night stressed out and arguing with this person instead.

4. Ask someone to be your date to the prom for their personality, not because they’re the hottest person that you know. The other person’s looks aren’t what’s going to make your night. The date that has a great personality will make sure that you’re having a fabulous time and enjoying yourself. If you can find a date that has both, then it’s even better.

5. Invite someone to the prom that will make you laugh. Sure the person may be nice, but if they can make you laugh and they have a sense of humor it will make all the difference. Prom night can be a stressful night between worrying about the weather and other possible things that could go wrong. Having someone that will ease some of that stress by making you laugh, especially when things go wrong, will definitely help make your night amazing.

6. Ask someone to the prom that is reliable. This person hands in their money on time for their side of payments regarding the prom, they are on time for everything and you know they won’t back out on you. The last thing you need to worry about on prom night is your date flaking out on you and not showing up.

Tags: sure that, date that, make sure, make sure that, people that, someone that

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