Monday, January 18, 2010

Frequently Asked Questions About Massage Therapy

Commonly asked massage therapy questions

People who have never experienced massage usually have many common questions. Naturally, they want to know what massage therapy can do, specifically, for them as well as what it's like and how it's done. A wise massage practitioner has a ready-made list of frequently asked questions and answers to post with other massage literature wherever they promote their business to the public.

What Will Massage Do For Me?

Overall benefits of massage therapy are general relaxation, relief of stress and muscular tension and improvement of circulation. Benefits for more specific health conditions or injuries can be discussed with a therapist upon initial consultation.

Do I Have to Take My Clothes Off?

Because many people have some level of apprehension about their body type, size or condition, having a suitable answer to this question is important. Most massage sessions are performed with a client disrobed either entirely or partially to access the skin directly. The client is left to disrobe in privacy and is adequately draped with a sheet or towel at all times once on the massage table. Only the body part being massaged is exposed.

What Do I Have to Do ?

In general, a client will be asked to breathe naturally and attempt to let thoughts drift in and out of the mind without trying to control them. A massage therapist may, at times, ask the client to take a deep breath during a specific technique or to move into a new position.

How Will I Feel During the Session?

How a client feels during the massage is subjective to the goals for the session and the type of massage she is receiving. Dim lighting, soothing music and the skilled hands of the therapist are utilized together to enhance deep relaxation to release muscle tension and pain allowing the client to feel as if she is in a semi-sleep state--comfortably aware of what's happening around her--yet totally relaxed.

How Often Should I Get Massage?

In some countries, massage is part of the daily routine. The benefits of massage increase with regular use, which may depend on factors such as time management or financial ability to pay for massage. Those who prefer frequent bodywork may use the service once a week, while others choose every two weeks or once a month.

Tags: massage therapy, benefits massage

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