Friday, July 2, 2010

Signs Of A Jealous Friend

A jealous person is not somebody you would want as a friend.

Jealousy can destroy good long-term friendships and is not always obvious as it can be expressed in different ways. Most people have experienced the jealousy of others in their lives, particularly as children and teenagers although, there are those who practice jealous reactionary behavior as adults, spoiling friendships and poisoning others with willful, untrue statements. There are certain signs which will indicate to you that a friend is jealous.

Good News Response

Success is a wonderful experience, whether it is getting into that university you applied for or finding a new partner after being single for some time, and it is natural to want to share your success with your friends. A well adjusted adult should be happy for your success and respond accordingly with joy, but an unexpected response from a close friend usually means there is jealousy in the air. Jealous friends typically respond awkwardly to your good news, fob it off as ordinary and change the subject. A negative good news response is a sure sign of jealousy.


You may notice that some friends seem to avoid you when you are doing well. This is a classic jealous response when the other person feels bad about his own life and ignores or avoids successful people as a counteractive measure. If you notice a friend avoiding you when you get a new boyfriend or make a new best friend, this is usually a sign of jealousy resentment. Instead of being happy for you and sticking around to enjoy your new friendship, your friend avoids eye contact and makes excuses that he is too busy to get together.


Insincerity is a reactionary response that jealous people are often guilty of. They may dishonestly invent a make believe success of their own to make yours look less impressive or tell others untruths about you. Insincere behavior is not healthy, especially when it stems from jealousy and can destroy friendships. It is best to ignore this behavior, showing your friend that you disapprove of her insincerity.


Friends that sabotage another person's life are indeed suffering from psychological jealousy at a deeper level. Favoritism from a parent, teacher or another friend can lead to a jealous sabotage of your reputation by making a fool out of you in public or by deliberately doing or saying something malicious. Deliberately defacing another person's property is serious negative behavior that should not be overlooked.

Competitive Behavior

Although imitation can be a form of flattery, it is also a known jealousy response when a person is not happy with their own predicament. If your friend is always trying to upstage you by getting a better car, a flashier phone and over dressing make you look ordinary, this is a sign of jealousy. Jealous competitive behavior is a negative response designed to make you look less attractive to others and any friend that uses these tactics around you is not a true friend.

Tags: sign jealousy, your friend, another person, friend that, good news

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