Monday, July 12, 2010

Bead Hair Jewelry

Bead Hair Jewelry

Any decorative item that is placed in your hair can be called "hair jewelry." Hair jewelry is usually both ornamental as well as useful. Barrettes set with gemstones or beaded pins would be considered hair jewelry. Create your own beaded pins and coordinate them with your outfits or moods. With each pin taking less than 30 minutes to make, you can craft enough to go with every outfit you own.


Initial Beading

1. Cut 3 feet of wire. It may be a little more than you need, but it is better to start out with too much and trim it at the end than to not have enough to finish the project.

2. Pull the wire through the closed end of a bobby pin, making both ends of the wire even.

3. Wrap the wire around the end of the bobby pin once to secure it.

4. Pick your first bead and cross the two wires through the hole from opposite sides. Make sure that the bead is on the top side of the bobby pin.

5. Cross the wires under the bead, through the middle of the pin, and pull tightly. Do not go around the entire pin or it will not open. Only cross over the top half of the wire.

6. Cross the wires over the top of the pin, then back underneath through the middle. This is just like what you did in the previous step, only this time you do not have a bead on the wire. This provides some spacing between the beads.

7. Select another bead and cross both wires through it, securing the bead by going back under the top half of the pin and crossing them again.

8. Continue these steps until you get to the end of the bobby pin. If you wish to end here, you can finish the pin by wrapping the wire several times at the end and trimming the ends. Tuck the cut ends into a bead so they will not show.

Adding Detail

9. Skip cutting the wires at the end of Step 8 if you wish to add detail decoration. Instead, take one of the longer wires and pull it through the last bead on the bobby pin.

10. Add three to five seed beads to the wire, depending on what look you prefer. Try both and see which appeals more to you.

11. Skip a bead and pull the wire through the third bead from the end.

12. Add the same number of seed beads on this side that you did on the first side.

13. Alternating beads, continue up the bobby pin until you get to the end at which you originally started the beading process.

14. Wrap the wire around the bobby pin and cut close to the last bead.

15. Tuck the end of the wire into the final bead to hide it from view.

Tags: around bobby, bead cross, Bead Hair, Bead Hair Jewelry, beaded pins

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