Thursday, February 18, 2010

Easiest Way To Do Finger Waves

Finger waves are a popular hairstyle for those who want a dressier look. Finger waves can be used for a variety of styles, including horizontal waves, which run parallel around the head or vertical waves that run up and down the head. Use a setting lotion to make it easier to form waves and to help them stay in place.


Use finger waving lotion to make hair easier to shape and keep it in place. To apply lotion, part hair to the scalp and comb smooth. Arrange the hair to the preferred style. Put the lotion on damp hair and use a comb to circulate throughout the hair. Apply the lotion to half the hair at a time to keep it from drying. Don't use an excessive amount of lotion.

Making Waves

To make finger waves, use the index finger to shape hair with a comb, using a circular motion. Begin at the hairline and move toward the crown in 1.5-inch sections. To form the first hair ridge, put the index finger above the area for the ridge. Point the comb's teeth slightly upward and insert the comb under the index finger and pull it forward about an inch along the fingertip. With the comb's teeth still inserted, flatten the comb against the head. This will hold the ridge in place. Remove your hand and put the middle finger above the ridge with the index finger on the comb's teeth. Close the two fingers and apply pressure to the head.

To make a second ridge, you'll reserve what you did to make the second. Begin at the crown and draw the comb from the index fingertip to the finger's base. To make a third ridge, you follow the movements used to make the first ridge. Continue alternating this pattern until this half of the head is finished. Once the first half is complete, apply lotion to the other half and begin with the first ridge on that side. Don't try to make the ridges higher by lifting the hair or pushing it; this will distort the ridge.

Once the ridges are formed, put a net over the hair, secured with hairpins or clippies if necessary. Using medium heat, dry hair thoroughly. When the hair is dry, remove the pins and hairnet. Gently comb out hair into soft waves. Whether you want to make horizontal or vertical finger waves, the procedure is the same.


To make it easier, use hard rubber combs with fine and course teeth. If you want to emphasize the ridges, press the ridge between your fingers, with the fingers against your head. For a longer-lasting wave, mold the waves in the direction of hair's natural growth. Be sure that the hair is completely dry before you comb it out, or the waves won't stay in place. Spray the hair lightly with a lacquer to hold the waves longer and make hair shine.

Tags: index finger, comb teeth, apply lotion, finger above, finger waves, Finger waves, first ridge

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