Monday, August 27, 2012

Read Emo Anime

Read Emo Anime

Completely separate from the American emo music scene, anime emo pulls at the heartstrings with emotional tales of death and loss. Still, the sad-faced anime characters have come to represent emo kids in America. Many of the popular emo anime films have been made into manga (comic books) for you to read.


Find Emo Content to Devour

1. Find emo manga anywhere Japanese comic books are sold. Emo characters are quite popular in both anime and manga. If your local comic-book store doesn't carry a good selection of manga, try a Japanese bookstore.

2. Look for covers with sad characters, who are usually shown in depressing scenes. Rain, apocalyptic cities and other bleak settings usually indicate an emotional read is in store. Colors tend to be on the somber side as well, with lots of grays and blues.

3. Check for plots based on hopeless love, dieing partners or family members, solitude, alienation and sacrifice. These plot elements build a strong emo storyline. It is not uncommon to find a main character lose half her family in an accident, be rejected by the surviving member and discover that she has a terminal illness.

4. Give in to romance. Usually, romantic manga tends towards the sexual or the cute, but with emo manga, you'll find heartbreak and loss that makes the story anything but sappy. A common theme is long-distance relationships, often over not just actual distance, but over time as well.

5. Keep your eyes open for English titles that include the words "cry" or "loss." These titles almost always signify an emo read.

6. Read your favorite anime movie. Most anime is retold in manga. Sometimes, the style of the characters differs from manga to anime, but the story usually remains faithful.

Tags: comic books, Read Anime

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