Friday, December 25, 2009

Do Mexican Ties In Your Hair

Hairstyles are as unique as the person wearing them. Most young adults identify themselves with their hairstyles. Instead of adding color to your hair with hair dye that can harm your hair, try adding color with thread. Mexican ties add fun and color to your hair by using a few different colors of thick thread (the kind of thread bracelets are made with). These ties are great for young girls who want to do something different with their hair.


1. Tie all of the threads together into a knot.

2. Tie a very small area of hair together in a tiny ponytail. Secure the top and the bottom of the little ponytail with two hair ties.

3. Fit the knot of the threads under the hair tie at the top of the ponytail.

4. Start with one color (for this case, pink). Hold the hair and the other colors (yellow and orange) taut with your right hand.

5. Bring the pink thread out to the left of the yellow and orange threads on a 45 degree angle. With your left hand, hold the middle of the pink thread down as you fold the rest of that thread past the ponytail and the yellow and orange threads (the pink thread will look like the number 4 as it crosses over the other threads and ponytail).

6. Loop the pink thread around the back of the ponytail and the other thread and pull it through the other side.

7. Pull the thread tight, but gently. Continue doing this 12 times with the pink thread.

8. Repeat these steps with the yellow and orange thread. Then continue all over again until the entire ponytail is threaded.

9. Continue these steps once more with each color so the thread extends past the length of the hair. Tie the threads into a knot to finish the tie.

Tags: pink thread, yellow orange, adding color, color your, color your hair

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