Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Operate My Home Wood Burning Fireplace

Wood Burning Fireplace

A fireplace is one of the features of a house that make it seem like home. The crackle and spark of a warm blaze welcomes you into the evening. The smell of the wood burning that somehow sneaks into the room is delicious while the radiant warmth relaxes your muscles. You need to know a few things about operating your fireplace before you light up a blaze, or you may be calling the fire department.


1. Check to make sure the flue in the chimney is open by looking up into the chimney and pushing or pulling the lever if you have one. You should see it open and close. Leave it in the open position. If you forget this, your room will very quickly fill with smoke.

2. Build your fire from the ground up. Ball up some newspaper. It is better to go a little heavy with the paper and kindling so the fire is sure to start than to not have enough and have to start over again. Generally, about ten to fifteen sheets of newspaper will be plenty.

3. Add some thin, dry kindling to the pile of newspaper balls. Don't just throw them on top, place them around the perimeter, vertically forming a tent around the paper. The sticks are usually longer than the pile is tall so they will stick out in all directions, but place them carefully so there is plenty of room for air flow. Use enough to get your logs burning, which means about an eight-inch diameter bundle of sticks.

4. Lay a couple of larger logs against the opposite sides of your pile of paper and kindling. Light the fire with a match or lighter in several places on the bottom of the pile of paper. (This allows the fire to start evenly and burn up through the other paper and kindling.)

5. Step back and put the screen in place. Once the small pieces of wood are burning, and the pile has settled a bit, straighten the larger logs already in the fire and add a few larger logs. Place them to maintain good air flow. A six-inch log should burn for thirty to forty-five minutes, depending on the heat of the fire.

Tags: larger logs, paper kindling, Burning Fireplace, pile paper, place them, wood burning

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