Thursday, May 20, 2010

Enjoy A Convertible

Convertibles have made a comeback, and almost every automaker is producing one. These sporty cars are a symbol of the American independent spirit. Nothing evokes a stronger feeling of freedom than the image of a convertible driving down the open road. If you drive your car with a nod toward safety and style, you can enjoy a drive in a convertible on a beautiful sunny day.


1. Wear your seatbelt. When you drive a convertible, safety is extra important. Always wear your seatbelt and require any passengers to do the same. You can't enjoy the ride if you're worrying about safety.

2. Apply sunscreen. Cruising along with the breeze on your face, you may not notice how much sun you are getting. Protect yourself against the sun's damaging effects.

3. Secure your hair. Aside from being unattractive, hair whipping around your face can be painful and dangerous. Despite what you've seen in movies, when you drive a convertible, your hair blows in all directions. You should secure it so that it at least stays out of your eyes. Wear a hat or a tight hairstyle. Keep hair accessories in the car for those days when you didn't think you'd put the top down, but the weather was so nice you couldn't resist.

4. Keep any loose items in the trunk. Another issue of safety involves items that could blow away while you drive your convertible down the highway. Nothing is safe, so put all items in the trunk. The distraction of blowing items can be dangerous for you and other drivers on the road. Make sure to keep newspapers, magazines and all loose papers in a secure place out of the wind.

5. Roll the windows down. If it's warm enough to drive the convertible with the top down, the windows should also come down. Don't go all nerd on us by driving around with the windows up and the top down. It looks odd because it is. If you get a little chilled during your drive, turn the heat on or wear a jacket.

Tags: drive convertible, drive your, items trunk, windows down, your face, your hair, your seatbelt

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