Monday, April 12, 2010

Hairstyles For A Pageant

Long hair can be dramaic, but short styles suit some faces.

The crowning glory at a beauty pageant can easily be the right hairstyle. It highlights the contestant's best features, compliments her costumes and impresses the judges.

A good haircut is a strong basis for a good hairstyle. Long, flowing hair is the traditional pageant style for its versatility. It can frame a face or be upswept for each event. Short hair can be a unique style that can be an asset to a contestant.

The Best Cut

The most important part of any hairstyle is the cut. Pageant entrants who invest in a highly skilled hairstylist to design the most complimentary hair cut for their face may find this helps them gain confidence for their pageant. With a great basic cut that brings out their best features, and conceals or softens less attractive ones, contestants can focus on their talent or walk, knowing that their hair will look its best.

Short Signature Styles

A short bouncy hairstyle can match the bouncy style of a contestant and be one of their biggest assets, emphasizing attractive facial features and an energetic personality to impress judges. Cornrows can be a dramatic, eyecatching feature for some facial structures. With short hair, cut is even more vital, because each layer is visible. Contestants in major pageants have the advantage of accomplished professional stylists, but all entrants should use the best hairdresser they can afford as close to the pageant as possible who will design a signature style. The style should be something that can be dressed up for the glamor events with complimentary, eye-catching accessories.

Long Is Versatile

Long hairstyles allow more variety for contestants. Planning a style for each segment of the pageant offers versatility to accompany different looks. A clean, simple style for athletic talent acts can include a twist, such as a tie high on the head, a side ponytail, or pigtails. Long hair can be fanned out in ringlets for a dramatic look in the bathing suit segment, pulled back in smooth, glamorous French rolls with masses of curls falling from a pinned up mass at the back, or pinned up completely for an elegant look in the evening gown competition.

Tags: best features, Long hair

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