Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Birthday Parties For Dogs & Kids

Be sure the children and dogs invited are suited to your planned party.

Birthday parties can be great fun for kids and dogs. Few people adore pups more than the children in the family. Canine attributes such as energy, loyalty and the overall "cute as a button" factor often prove to be an irresistible attraction for kids ranging in age from little tykes to their older counterparts. When planning a birthday party with both kids and dogs in attendance, however, prepare for some hectic good times. Kids coupled with canines can result in chaos without a healthy amount of attention paid to details.

Puppy-Themed Parties

For the individual host not quite brave enough to invite 15 children and their dogs to their backyard at once, consider a birthday party with dogs as the theme rather than having kids bring their real dogs. Bake or purchase a cake in the shape of a dog's head, a doggie bone or a doghouse. For enhanced themes, consider famous dogs, such as Snoopy, Marmaduke or Benji. Create hats with floppy dog ears out of painter's hats and construction paper. Serve lunch on the ground of the yard and place the goodies in bowls (put down a plastic cloth for sanitation.) Make cookies shaped like dog treats and play dog-related games like "Trainer Says" (a variation of "Simon Says") or "Pin The Tail on the Poodle." Present craft projects guests can do such as decorating inexpensive dog collars with glitter and rhinestones or drawing and cutting out paw prints to take home.

The Together Yet Apart Party

Throw a party and invite kids to bring their pooches, but have a play area set aside to accommodate the dogs. Specify that the dogs must be well-socialized to attend so you can assure each canine guest is able to play nicely with other dogs. Another idea is to ask parents to promise to keep their dogs leashed and controlled at all times. These are important steps: Unless you are familiar with the dogs in attendance and have had play dates before, it can be dangerous to assume that all dogs will get along.

Party at The Dog Park

Have your party at the dog park. Pack up the cake and ice cream (in a well-iced cooler) and head to the dog park with kids and pups in tow. With lots of room to run and play, kids and dogs will be able to expend lots of energy. Plan a picnic while the puppies play or take everyone for ice cream cones after playtime. Bring a birthday candle to decorate the guest of honor's ice cream and have everyone sing before inviting guests to dig in. Don't forget to take along a trash bag to the dog park so you don't leave any remnants of the party behind.

A Word Of Warning

Keep in mind that not all kids love dogs, and not all dogs love kids. When planning a birthday party for both children and the pups in their lives, it's worth mentioning again to carefully consider your guest list and specifically, the temperament of your canine guests. Discuss your plans with each child's parents to be sure that child and dog are suited to your party and have plenty of adults on hand for extra supervision. You may also consider hiring a professional dog handler or trainer to be present at your party should problems arise. The dog handler could also be part of the entertainment and perform dog behavior demonstrations, such as showing kids teach their dog a new trick. If there is a child or children that want to come but don't have a dog to bring, suggest they bring a stuffed dog or tell them they can share your family's pet.

Tags: birthday party, kids dogs, your party, birthday party with, bring their

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