Monday, May 2, 2011

Diy Medieval Wedding Props

A medieval wedding may feature a joust.

In lieu of the traditional dresses-and-tuxedos wedding, some couples choose to inject an element of fantasy into their marriage ceremony. A medieval wedding is a celebration in which the bride and groom are betrothed amid the anachronistic splendor of dark age England. Guests should be invited to come in costume, and a number of props should be at hand to help set the mood.


Traditional medieval fashion dictates that women should garb themselves in flowing dresses, often with corsets and generous necklines, while gentlemen should wear tights and tunics. For footwear, both sexes should go with ballet flats.


Braziers are containers for charcoal and flames that resemble a bowl mounted on legs. Although traditional braziers can be hard to come by, for the DIY medieval wedding, a hollowed out charcoal grill may do the trick.


No medieval wedding is complete without flags. If either of the families of the married couple happen to have a family crest, this should be painted or sewn onto a cloth and flown high. If neither do, consider designing a new one to commemorate the formation of a new clan.


If you can, construct a set of wooden stocks in which to place unruly guests, such as your alcoholic uncle or the groomsman who won't stop hitting on the maid of honor.

Swords and Shields

As most people know from childhood, there are a number of methods for constructing swords and shields. Although wooden is the most obvious, sturdy cardboard also works in a pinch.

Torch Bearers

Torches are a tricky thing. They're authentic, but also exceedingly dangerous. Consult with a friend who has experience in pyrotechnics for tips on make sure the wedding doesn't go up in flames. Or use flashlights taped to wooden sticks.

Wooden Benches and Tables

During the medieval era, guests at meals seldom sat in individual chairs, but instead ate on long wooden benches. Dress tables with fruit and colorful cloths (as well a suckling pig if that's on a menu). They can either be rectangular to accommodate the benches, or round a la King Arthur.


During the wedding ceremony, the official reciting the vows should speak them off a folded scroll in the manner of an official proclamation, preferably in a plummy English accent. You can make scrolls can be made in a jiffy using butcher paper and a marker.


The traditional medieval minstrel was usually shown playing the lute, the fife or the hand drum. Unless you can acquire such instruments, try substituting them with the electric guitar, the saxophone and the six-piece drum kit. However, ask the musicians to refer to their instruments by their medieval names.


Unfortunately, dragons are relatively hard to come by, particularly the fire-breathing variety. To improvise, borrow a friend's pet iguana. To give the reptile the illusion of large size, position several small action figures nearby.

Tags: medieval wedding, hard come

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