Thursday, November 19, 2009

Pageant Hairstyles For Young & Short Haired Girls

Little girls with short hair can have fabulous styles for beauty pageants too.

Just because your little girl may have shorter hair than some other pageant participants doesn't mean she can't have a glamorous and stylish "do" for the pageant. The trick is to take an everyday hairstyle and give it some extra pizazz for the evening gown portion of the competition.


Comb some firm-hold gel through your hair when it's wet. After the gel is evenly distributed through the hair, using the comb to make waves in the hair by pressing it close to the scalp and wiggling it to obtain the waviness you like. Follow this motion, making a pattern around the entire head of waves, and allow them to dry untouched. When they're dry, you can either leave the tight waves along your scalp or come them out for a softer look. Spray with hairspray to help the waves stay in place.

Pin Curls

Another saucy retro style for shorter hair is one made with bobby pins and pin curls. Start with wet hair and make small curls around the head, holding them in place with bobby pins. Add firm-hold gel to the hair when it's wet and place two bobby pins on each curl in an "X." Allow the hair to dry fully, remove the pins and fluff hair to show off the perky little curls.

Slicked Back

If you have very short hair, you can slick it back with gel to get the wet look and give a glamorous, evening look to your outfit. Apply gel to your hair when it's dry, adding enough to slick back the entire head of hair, or just the sides or top, depending on the look you want.

Knots or Braids

If your hair is a little longer and you can braid or twist it, try making a crown of braids or small knots along the top front of your head. Hold them in place with fancy bobby pins or sparkly barrettes. Leave the rest of your hair wavy or poufy and allow the braids or knots to act as a "headband," circling your face. Spray everything with hair spray when you're done styling.

Tags: bobby pins, your hair, hair when, entire head, place with, short hair

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