Thursday, September 29, 2011

Well Water Effects On Permed Hair

Perms chemically treat hair to make it curly.

Well water is typically hard water. This means it contains an excessive quantity of minerals which it leached out of the aquifers it passed through. Hardness is technically a measurement of the calcium in the water, but well water also contains copper, iron, magnesium, silica and lead which can cause damage to hair.


Calcium is the mineral used to measure water hardness. It builds up on the hair and can weigh it down. This leaves the hair feeling dry and less voluminous. The calcium buildup can make permed hair look relaxed because the added weight of the calcium on the individual strands pull the hair straight. Calcium can also build up on the scalp. When the buildup begins to flake off, it causes itching and may look like dandruff. Calcium buildup on the scalp can also cause the hair to break off at the follicle and block the end of the follicle from growth.


Excess build up of iron can leach the moisture out of hair and leave it brittle. This increases the risk of breakage and split ends and limits the hair's natural volume. It also changes the color of the hair, giving it an orange or rust-colored hue. An iron buildup can make your hair less receptive to the chemicals used to color, treat and perm hair. Hair suffering from iron damage often does not take a perm well; the perm either does not last as long, or it's not as curly as intended.


Copper buildup can seriously discolor hair, making blond hair look green and brown hair look multiple shades darker. Permed hair is significantly more suseptible to copper damage because permed hair naturally absorbs copper more readily. Copper, like iron, can prevent a perm from being properly absorbed by the hair. The resulting perm may not take correctly, resulting in uneven curling, a shorter perm life, less curl than intended or a relaxation of the hair.


Like other minerals, magnesium dries out the hair and makes it look weighted down. It can also make the hair appear dull with a lack of luster or shine. The extra weight can pull the curl out of hair that was previously permed, and can inhibit the effectiveness of a new perm.


Silica, like calcium, typically builds up at the scalp. It looks like dandruff when the buildup flakes off. Before flaking, it can build up around hair follicles, choking the hair and causing it to fall out. If you perm your hair while suffering from a silica buildup, you may experience hair thinning, excessive shedding and loss of volume.

Tags: hair look, buildup make, like dandruff, suffering from, your hair

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