Monday, November 29, 2010

Give A Men'S Haircut Using Hair Trimmers

Trimmers provide a quick and easy way to cut hair.

Using trimmers is an easy and effective way to cut men's hair. Hand-held trimming sets typically include interchangeable guard pieces of different lengths that snap over a permanent blade. Once attached, a guard piece will give the blade access to only a certain amount of hair, leaving behind a uniform length. The lower the number on the guard piece, the shorter the hair will end up being.


1. Ask the person whose hair you are cutting how short he wants it. Let him know the general lengths of the different numbered guards. For example, a "No. 1 haircut" refers to a trimmer cut using the No. 1 length guard, which leaves behind hair that is about one-eighth of an inch long. The No. 2 guard leaves hair one-quarter of an inch long, and the No. 3 guard leaves hair three-eighths of an inch long. In a trimmer set, the remaining guards (in ascending order) typically increase in one-eighth-inch increments.

2. Fit the proper guard piece onto the blade and plug the trimmer into the wall. Turn on the trimmer.

3. Begin the haircut at the front of the scalp. Place the guard squarely on the head and trim in a slow and steady manner from the front to the back. Always cut hair against the direction of growth. Do not move to another section of the head until you have a uniform length.

4. Once you have finished cutting hair on the top of the head, move to the sides and the back. A shorter guard piece is recommended for these areas. This will give the hair a nice transition in length from the sides to the top.

5. Take the guard piece off and use the unprotected blade to shape and trim the sideburns. The unprotected blade also will allow you to reach areas behind the ears that would be impossible to reach with the guard.

Tags: guard piece, inch long, guard leaves, guard leaves hair, inch long guard, leaves hair

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